
Posts Tagged ‘snack’

Or at least I felt like one this past week. Maybe being here seven months will do that to you.

For the past few days I’ve been feeling a little homesick — probably because at some moments it seems like we’ve been here forever and it’s only been seven months, which means we have five MORE months which seems like more of forever and how on Earth am I going to deal with staying here forever forever when, at moments like these, all I want to do is go home?

So Friday, fueled by homesickness and raging hormones, there was lashing out at the boy, tears, comfort food, homesickness, and more crying. Then, there was doing laundry and thinking about why I’m such a crazy person. I swear, there must be times where Evan wonders what he signed up for. Thankfully, I have a rational and loving boyfriend, who instead of tying me up in a straight jacket (I would have), just comforted me with kind words and Sour Cream and Onion Pringles. Oh, and Criminal Minds, because it plays all the time on TV here, and it’s kind of become our new obsession.

Anyway, Evan is the best and I’m lucky <3

A few weeks ago, on our way to Charity Bowling, we stopped at Family Mart for some beer and I found something else to go crazy for (this time, in a good way). Oh. Em. Gee.

You don’t understand — Ice Cream Snickers is my jam. Seriously, when I lived in Los Feliz I would trudge to the smoke shop downstairs, rummage around in their ice cream freezer and pull out one of the chocolatey, peanutty, ice creams at least once a week. At least. If they were out, I even mustered up the motivation to trek to Cap ‘N Cork to get my fix. Now, here it is! I broke down last week and bought one, but I think I’m going to save their purchase for special occasions (or if I really, really need it). It was amazing to take a moment and enjoy a little slice of home.

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